Freitag, 1. Mai 2009

World War ll :: A video archive of the history

This is only an archive of videos I have found on Youtube.

Britain at War in Colour The Beginning of the End part 1

Britain at War in Colour The Beginning of the End part 3

Britain at War in Colour The Beginning of the End part 4

Britain at War in Colour The Beginning of the End part 5

Britain at War in Colour The Beginning of the End part 6

Britain at War in Colour The Beginning of the End part 7

Britain at War in Colour The Beginning of the End part 8

Britain at War in Colour The Beginning of the End part 9

And now an excellent documentray by one of the greatest directors of the film history Frank Capra. It is not necessary to agree with his view to admire the film

And at the end another documentary series I have found in youtube about the final defeat.

This is only a video archiving that I have done with the videos I've found on

To get the real idea of the history one must read books. Unfortunately there is no shortcut for that. The videos I have linked from youtube are mostly from the american and british view of interests that derived them at that time to enter the war. As we know from the history there are other parts of the facts, other debates and other discources. I never use this word "discourse"...and of course I am not using it the way it has been used by the post-modernists..but as the techno-world mostly belongs to the Imperialism, I must say the documentaries about the second world war that I have found on youtube lacks a lot about the political conspiracy to destroy socialism by USA, UK and France, what actually strengthen the Nazi's in Germany.


Frank Partisan hat gesagt…

Happy MaydayIn the comments at this post at my blog, I made points about what a revolutionary socialist view of WWII would be in a debate, with a rightist.

It was actually several wars at once.

Frank Partisan hat gesagt…

See this.

Kabir hat gesagt…

Thanks for sharing. Interesting stuff.

Suman Chowdhury hat gesagt…

@Rehegade Eye, you are right. There were several wars at once and actually some of them started long before 1939.

Tahnks for your comment and useful link.