Sonntag, 16. November 2008

AqimudDeen or AqimutTakht?

Lots of funny thing are happening in Bangladeshi politics. The funniest one, from my point of view, making big slogans for the holy reform which ends with unfinished registration of the political parties and return of the previous leadership and every evil things related. The seccond joke is the registration-affair of Jamayat-e-Islami. They have renamed their party bringing Bangladesh at the begining, which is clever, but leaving Aqimuddeen form their logo is one of the biggest jokes of the century. They would have treat it as a mutual with the reality. Then one can ask, what reality can be there which is more important than establishing Deen on earth for a muslim (according to their conception of religion)? They have removed Aqimuddeen from their logo because they want to continue their corporate part in the horribly corrupt power structure of Bangladesh.

Jamayat-e-Islami should have put Aqimuttakht on the logo to make their stand clear.


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They are gone. atleast for five years.